If you haven’t listened to the podcast episode on adding a Tabata workout to your routine, don’t miss it – head there now! (it’s on all podcast players as Willpower Not Required and on YouTube).
Tabata is a type of High Intensity Interval Training or HIIT workout. Exercises are performed with a high level of intensity for an interval of time followed by short rest intervals. Specifically, intervals consist of 20 seconds of maximum intensity exercise, followed by 10 seconds of rest. This cycle is repeated 8 times (for a total of 4- minutes)
Studies show that the cardio and metabolic conditioning benefits of HIIT training are equal or better than what can be achieved with more continuous “ steady state” activities like running.
Not only do you burn more calories during your HIIT workout, but you also increase your afterburn (the calories you burn after you exercise as your body resets back to normal).
With HIIT Training like tabata you can fit in a great workout in a short period of time then move on with our life.
Here is a great one to try.

Modify your workout as needed and avoid any exercises that cause pain or discomfort. Make sure you consult your health care provider if you have any injuries, illnesses or health concerns.
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