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The Willpower Not Required Podcast

Willpower not required health & wellness podcast

Start your day with real fitness and nutrition tips for real life.  No fads, no BS just easy tips you can use today to live your life to the fittest!

After years of starting over on Monday, Lauren Whitfield finally got tired of relying on dwindling reserves of willpower to workout, make healthy meals, eat less carbs, meditate, take care of a family, run a business etc etc.  She finally realized that there was a better way.  Willpower and white knuckling it though the day was not required to lose the weight and live a healthy and happy life.

If you are tired of losing and gaining the same 10+ pounds.  If you are frustrated and confused by all of the conflicting information, fads, trends and ‘BS’ in the media and on the internet - then you’ve found the right place.

Each bite sized episode of this podcast will provide you with a quick, effective and real life fitness, nutrition or wellness tip that you can incorporate into your busy day immediately.  Lauren uses her knowledge, experience and lessons she’s learned the hard way to help you make small but effective changes to your day that will help you reach your goals regardless of your current circumstances -willpower not required.


Listen to the latest episode:

I'd love to hear from you!  Send me your tips, questions or feedback to 

I may even use your question in a future episode.


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Previous Episodes

Tip #50 - Get The Bees Out Of Your Head

Posted 1/19/2022

This is another in a series of episodes that touch on tips to help you manage difficult emotions without resorting to emotional eating.  Go back and listen to Episode 27 and 39 if you missed them.

Those who know me well, know that I can often get stuck inside my head. Thoughts, worries, schedules, things I need to do, old conversations and future conversations can swirl around in there like a swarm of bees. The more they swarm, the more overwhelmed I feel and the more my anxiety can take hold.  When these thoughts get flying around inside there, I don’t know which one to grab and focus on and since I don’t know where to start, I don’t start (which tends to compound the problem).

Over the last few years I have discovered an extremely helpful technique for dealing with this swarm of bees and the resulting anxiety and overwhelm.  Listen to today's episode to hear more.


Find more from Willpower Not Required and Fired Up Fitness:




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Tip #49 -Slash The Sugar

Posted 1/19/2022

Sugar can be a part of a well balanced diet, but as with everything, it’s all about moderation.  Today’s episode is filled with tips to easily reduce the amount of added sugar in your diet.

Find more from Willpower Not Required and Fired Up Fitness:




[episode music courtesy of]

Tip #48 - Just Do One Push Up

Posted 1/19/2022

Sometimes a goal or habit change can seem overwhelming or insurmountable.  How do you go from no regular exercise routine to working out 4-5 times per week? How do you go from a processed food diet to clean eating?  
Use the One Push Up Rule that's how!

What is the One Push Up Rule?  Listen to today's episode and find out.

[episode music courtesy of]

Tip #47 - Make Mealtime Convenient

Posted 1/19/2022

Throwing together a quick, nutritious meal requires you to have nutritious foods in your kitchen. However, many healthy foods are perishable and don't last long making it easy to find yourself without the ingredients you need.

In today's episode I talk about some healthy, long-lasting staples you can keep in your pantry, freezer, and fridge so they will always be available to make nutrient-dense meals and snacks — even when you’re out of your typical go-to foods.

Follow the links below for a few of my favourite recipes using pantry & freezer staples

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Tip #46 - Build Better Balance

Posted 1/19/2022

Improving your balance is important for overall fitness and boosts everyday activities simply because it increases overall movement function and builds body awareness. Better balance also increases coordination and strength, and improves your athletic performance.

Listen to today's episode to learn how to improve your balance - willpower not required!

Click here for images of a few balance exercises to add to your day.

[episode music courtesy of]

Tip #45 - Listen To Your Own Advise

Posted 1/19/2022

Do you find that you are better at giving advice than receiving it? Are you able to think more clearly and wisely about an issue that someone else in your life is facing than your own issues? 

Well my answer to those questions is yes and I’m pretty sure the same goes for most of you!

Why is that and how can we harness our power to give sage advice to reach our own goals?  Listen to today's episode and find out!

[episode music courtesy of]

Tip #44 - Pump Up Your Protein

Posted 1/19/2022

How much protein we need to eat and when we should be consuming it can be a source of contention in the health and wellness industry and can leave you feeling extremely confused.

Today's episode is all about protein and how to figure out how much you need for optimal health.

....and do you really need to pound the protein right after a workout??

Click here for a quick, easy and delicious protein packed dinner recipe.

[episode music courtesy of]

Tip #43 - Get Intense

Posted 1/19/2022

We know that physical activity is important to our overall health.

The latest physical activity recommendations for optimal health are 300 mins of moderate exercise each week (which can look like 60 minute sessions, 5 times per week) or 150 minutes of vigorous activity (30 minutes, 5 times per week).

So what is best?  More minutes of moderate exercise or less minutes of vigorous exercise?

Listen to today's episode to find out!

Also go back and listen to Tip #42 on the 'Fresh Start Effect' & Tip #6 on high intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts

[podcast music courtesy of]

Tip #42 - Give Yourself A Fresh Start

Posted 1/19/2022

Capitalize on a special day or period of time to break yourself of old unhealthy habits and start new healthy ones.

This behavior change strategy called the “Fresh Start Effect” comes from Katy Milkman - Behavior scientist and Author of the Book “How to Change”.

Combine the Fresh Start strategy with the "never miss twice mantra" from episode #40 to stay motivated and moving towards your goals -willpower not required!

[episode music courtesy of]

Tip #41 - Pay Attention To Inflammation

Posted 1/19/2022

Inflammation is your body’s process of fighting against things that harm it, like infections, injuries, and toxins, in an attempt to heal itself. It is a natural and healthy immune response. Chronic inflammation, however, is not a good situation in the body.  Chronic inflammation is when this immune response lingers, leaving your body in a constant state of alert.

Today's episode is about how small changes in your diet can be a powerful tool against inflammation to improve your health and well being.

Click here for the list of foods that contribute to, and fight against, inflammation along with a quick and easy anti-inflammatory dinner recipe.

[episode music courtesy of]